The Origin Of The WHITE RACE:
After the destruction of mankind by the flood, Noah and his wife, his three
sons and their wives were the ONLY people that were saved. (The sons of Noah
were Shem, Ham, and Japheth. From these three sons of Noah was the WHOLE earth
populated). The Ark rested on Mt. Ararat, which was located in the land of
Armenia, which both means "High Ground". The ENTIRE earth at this
time was of ONE speech and ONE language. Most of the people dwelled in the
plain of Shinar; in Hebrew, the Valley of Shinar. Men began to
congregate in the territory and to build a tower up to heaven. The Hebrews
historian, Flavius Josephus, says: "God also commanded them to send
colonies abroad for the thorough peopling of the earth," but the people
did not obey God. Now, when man was in the process of building the tower, God
disapproved of its construction because it showed a disbelief in His word. The
Divine had promised Noah that He would not destroy the earth by water again.
Nimrod, the Ethiopian, was the leader of the
conspiracy against God. He was a mighty man and a conqueror. He held the people
under his dictatorship. When God considered what had been done, He confused
men's language and scattered them toward the four directions of the earth. The
sons of Noah were: Shem, Ham, and Japheth because the WORLD was populated from
these three sons of Noah, it is proper to classify men ONLY according to this
classification: Shemitic (Shemites), Hamitic (Hamites), and Japhetic (Japhites); and NOT Caucasoid, Mongoloid, or Negroid. The
latter category is a MODERN anthropological classification. The parts of the
earth inhabited by the children of Shem were: parts of the territory of Assyria
and Elam (Persia) east of the Tigris River, the eastern part of Syria, and
parts of the Arabian peninsula. All of the children of Shem were so-called
The second classification of mankind was the
Hamites, who controlled the great centers of civilization in ancient time
(4,000 B.C.) soon after the flood. This civilization included the continent of
Africa, the land of Canaan (Israel), parts of Arabia, Syria, Phoenicia, Turkey,
Babylonia, Southern Persia (Iran), East Pakistan, and a large part of India.
The third classification of mankind was the
Japhites, from Japheth, who was the youngest son of Noah. The offspring of
Japheth occupied the "Isles of the Gentiles", the shore of
territories of the Mediterranean Sea in Europe and parts of Asia Minor-whence
they dispersed northward over the entire continent of Europe and a great part
of Asia.
After Noah's ark rested on the Mountain of
Ararat, and the dispersal of the children of men at the "Tower of
Babel," Japheth's descendants traveled west, north, and northeast of the
Mountain of Ararat and the Caucasus mountains. The Japhites settled near the
mountains Taurus and Amanus in Turkey. They journeyed to the river Tanais in
southeast Russia, and along Europe to Cadiz (Spain). The sons of Japheth were:
Gomer, Magog, Madai, Javan, Tubal, Meshech, and Tiras (Genesis 10:2)
Gomer was the ancestor of the first Cimmerians
and of the later Cimbri, including other offshoots of the Celtic family, and
of the present day Gaels of Ireland, Scotland, and the Hebrides Islands. These
Cimmerians were described by Homer, the Greek, as dwelling in a remote place of
mist and gloom. This place was located north of the Black Sea. The second son
of Japheth was Magog, the father of the Magogites. Flavius Josephus said that
the Greeks called these people Scythians.
The Scythians included all the wandering tribes
who dwelt mostly near the north of the Black and Caspian Sea; They were
regarded by the ancients as tremendously lacking in Intelligence and
civilization. The third son of Japheth was Madai, the father of the Medes
(Iranians). They were located at the southern part of the Caspian Sea; and they
later united with the Persians to form one race. From Javan, the fourth son of
Japheth, came the Ionians and all the Greeks.
Tubal, the fifth son of Japheth, is associated
with Javan (Isaiah 66:19). Meshech and Tubal (Ezekiel 32:26
and 39:1) are nations of the north (north of the focal point of the land of
Israel). Josephus identified the descendants of Tubal with the early Iberians
(Iberes). They were the inhabitants of territory between the Caspian and
Euxine Seas, which is Georgia in southern Russia.
The last son of Japheth was Tiras, the father or ancestor
of the Thracians. This land, Thrace, was situated north of Turkey, Asia Minor,
and northeast of Greece. Japheths grandson, Ashkenaz, formed the Germanic race;
in the Hebrew language the word means German. By 378 A.D., the Germanic tribes
were on the move. They were known under these names: Lombards, Burgundians,
Franks, Saxons, Angles, Jutes, Ostrogoths, Visigoths, Suevis, and Vandals.
These ten Germanic BARBARIAN TRIBES settled all
over the western Europe, and intermingled with modern nations of western Europe
as we know them today. All these tribes were the descendants of Japheth. The
ancient people did NOT classify RACES according to SKIN COLOR, like the modern
nations of Europe and America. The ancients, including the Greeks and Romans,
identified people according to their national or tribal names.
They used such names as Visigoths, Vandals,
Saxons, Ethiopians, Carthagians, Jews, Arabs, Persians, Babylonians, Egyptians,
and Moors. They did NOT use the term NEGRO (which is a modern term) to refer to
the black races or the word Caucasian to refer to the white races. Dividing the
WORLD along a COLOR line was an idea that originated with the white supremists
in Europe after the RENAISSANCE. The Europeans did NOT have any great
civilization immediately after the fall of Greece and Rome.
During the Middle Ages, the so-called black
nations of Africa and Asia had the greatest Political, Economical, Educational,
and Military influence in the WORLD. At this time, Europe existed in a state
of darkness (DARK AGES) for a thousand years. In the seventeenth century and
later, Europe began to emerge out of the slough of ignorance, and certain
Germans and others conceived of themselves as belonging to a superior race.
Johann F. Blumenback, a German (1752-1840), was
the FIRST to DIVIDE HUMANITY on a basis of SKIN COLOR. His classification set
up a COLOR line, to the detriment of later generations. Mr. Blumenbach
classified FIVE CHIEF RACES of MANKIND: the Caucasian, the Mongolian, the
Ethiopian, the American Indians (Native), and Malayan. He considered the
Caucasian to be the original race. Blumenbach, the anthropologist, named the
whites after the Caucasus Mountains (these mountains are situated between the Black
and Caspian Seas), because he thought the purest white people originated there.
Blumenbach was a RACIST and so was J.A. Gobineau. A third man by the name of
H. S. Chamberlain wanted to advance the supremacy of the white Nordic Race and
its Culture. These men attributed psychological value and importance to race.
This was RACISM and it led to a horrible, vicious racial philosophy and to the
the persecution of the jeWISH in Nazi Germany.
began in North Africa and the Middle East among the so-called BLACK RACES. We
have more than adequate PROOF that the WHITE RACES began near the Caucasus
Mountains, and from there they spread North and Northeast into Europe and
Asiatic Russia. Now, we know that the Japhites (Europeans) are WHITE today.
NOW, WHITE PEOPLE came about in TWO kinds of ways: 1.) -
LEPROSY (Exodus 4:6, Leviticus 13:2, 13:30 & 36, 14:34-35,
Numbers 12:10
etc.) and 2.) MUTATIONS. The are different kinds of Mutations in certain parts
of the world. A Physical Mutation is a sudden variation or change, the
offspring differing from its parents in some outstanding characteristic; also a
major change in the Chromosomes or Genes that determine heredity. BLOND HAIR
among the BLACK Australian Aborigines is an example of Mutation and probably Albinos are a good example of a
Mutations with their WHITE SKIN, WOOLLY HAIR, THICK LIPS, and Ethiopian NOSES.
Any sudden change from the NORMAL is to be regarded as a MUTATION. Other
examples of Mutations are BLONDISM or WHITENESS among monkeys, apes, and
chimpanzees. Major MUTATIONS or CHANGES took place among the descendants of
JAPHETH. This is obvious because of their WHITE SKIN. In other words, they were
BLACK at one time but their SKIN changed to WHITE.
This phenomenon can be understood in view of the
TOTAL WORLD POPULATION. Over TWO-THIRDS of the population of the WORLD consists
of COLORED PEOPLE. That is a RATIO of 2-1. Two out of Noah's three sons
REMAINED BLACK. Now this is a FACT because many people throughout Africa, Asia,
Latin, America, South America, Caribbean, and the Islands in the Pacific Ocean
They have facial features like the Congoid
Africans, especially the Vietnamese, Philippinos, the people of India (they are
a mixture of Black Dravidians and Indo-Europeans), Thailanders, Burmese,
Indonesians, Guineans, Sumatrans, and Aborigines of Australia, etc. They was an
Indo-European invasion (GERMANIC) OF THE Middle East between the year 2000 and
1500 B.C. These Germanic tribes intermingled with the BLACK PEOPLE everywhere
they traveled.
This mingling made the people in Syria, Babylon,
Assyria, Persia, India, and parts of Arabia much LIGHTER in COMPLEXION. Now,
the COLOR of the people in this region ranges from BROWN to YELLOW. The Greek
and Roman invasions also made these people in the Middle East LIGHTER. Another
FACT we should NOT forget is that the MOORS and ARABS from NORTH AFRICA
captured and rape Europeans women. As a result, the NORTH AFRICANS became
At one time, these people in NORTH AFRICA and
the MIDDLE EAST were all BLACK. Whites have intermingled their BLOOD with
BLACKS in ASIA., AFRICA, and the WESTERN HEMISPHERE. In spite of this, the
COLORED PEOPLE of the WORLD control about three-fourths of the earth's
geographical area. Because the COLORED PEOPLE of the WORLD are in a MAJORITY,
it is proper to infer that the WHITES have always been a MINORITY, and that the
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