Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Project Blue Beam - How To "Fake The Rapture"?

Ahayah Yashiya's Blog

Since the mid 1990's whispers have abounded from "Intel" circles in the military and scientific community about a strange series of scientific testing programs.
One is called HAARP. Another is called PROJECT BLUE BEAM.
It seems that in reality, if we believe the sources (and some have rather impeccable scientific credentials... one is even a born-again Christian scientist - Dr. Nick Begich) then our government, or shadowy elements of the military have developed not simply awesome shooting weapons, but also mind-bending weapons of the mind.
Project Blue Beam is just one of those mind-bending programs that could seriously impact upon a person's moral values and sanity.

Project Blue Beam is a special operations program that is tied into other exotic physics projects like the HAARP program in Alaska. HAARP is a program that in very simplistic terms shoots high energy beams of scalar physics technology (Nikola Tesla technology) that cooks the upper atmosphere of the planet. One of the many possible uses of this technology involves the capability to project images of massive size out into the sky. In fact, Project Blue Beam is a program designed to project religious images into the sky in a hologram presentation. It's like television without a box providing a visual stimulus without any apparent electronic receivers so that anyone who is sighted could see it.

What is even more astounding is that the technology is even so advanced now that the equipment can beam electronic signals to the brains of blind people so that even they can "see" the hologram, although in reality they can't. Does that sound crazy? Hold on a minute. There's more to this story. The program also has the capability to project voice sound into the head of a witness without it being heard in the person's ear. Yes, the sounds would go directly to the brain from electronic impulses.
And, with new super-computer technology it will be possible for super-computers and satellites to interact with your brain from space and have the voice of "God" respond to your thoughts as you see "Yashiya" in the sky!!! Now is that tooooooo far out to even contemplate? Well, I agree. It's too far out. Yet, reputable sources out there say that its not only possible and doable but is being readied to actually be used at the right moment to fool the world into thinking Yashiya Christ, the Son of God has returned to Earth. Now, I don't blame you if you don't believe me. I wouldn't either. I'm not totally certain of it, myself. I wonder if perhaps its just some other disinformation campaign being presented by someone in the shadows with an agenda.

However, IF it were true... well, it would sure explain how the whole world swallows the PR of the Antichrist. And if it were possible, "even the very elect" could be deceived (as Paul tells us).

There is a lot of material floating around on the internet about this issue. Below is one article that I've picked up that gives a pretty good explanation and lots of links to do your own follow up investigations. Is it simply too outrageous to be true? Well we figure its better to be forewarned in case it really is true.

"Electronic Sorcery & Blue Beam Technology: Tools of the Fourth Beast"

The "operation" is easy to EXPLAIN and REVEAL technologically. Holography, a technique for obtaining 3-dimensional images, involves an interference pattern between 2 sets of single-wavelength light waves. A single laser beam is split into two parts, one to illuminate the object, the second part (called the reference beam) is reflected by a mirror. The two beams meet forming an interference pattern, which is developed to form a hologram.

This hologram can be used to re-create a 3-dimensional image of the original object. According to a comprehensive report by Canadian investigative journalist, Serge Monast, entitled Project Blue Beam, this holographic technology used in conjunction with hi-tech, mind-control weapons utilizing the effects of radio-frequency waves upon the brain, is capable of projecting an image in the sky and causing collective thought to convince people they are seeing an alien invasion or the second coming of Christ. The Blue Beam Project will pretend to be the universal fulfillment of the prophecies of old.

In principle, it will make use of the sky as a movie screen space-based, laser-generating satellites project simultaneous images to every part of the planet, in every language, in every dialect according to region. Specifically, the show will consist of laser projections of multiple holographic images to different parts of the world, each receiving different images according to predominating regional/national religious faiths. No area will be excluded. With computer animation and sound effects appearing to come from the depths of space, astonished followers of the various creeds will witness their own returned Messiah in spectacularly convincing lifelike realness.

The various saviors will then merge into one after "correct" explanations of the mysteries, prophecies, and revelations will have been disclosed. This event will occur at a time of great political and general tumult. [Seems like surely this is a good time to meet those requirements.]

The Blue Beam Project, developed by NASA scientists, consists of 4 parts, 4 steps toward the implementation of the NWO religion with the Antichrist at its head.
  • First, earthquakes at certain precise locations of the planet will result in new archaeological discoveries, revealing that all religions' basic doctrines have been misunderstood and misinterpreted.
  • Second, a gigantic Space Show with laser projections of multiple 3-dimensional holographic images worldwide, will appear to be the image of God, speaking in all languages.
  • Third, electronic telepathy involving ELF, VLF, and LF waves will reach people by the inside of their brains, interlacing and interweaving with the natural thinking to form diffused artificial thought and making each one to believe that God is speaking to them from within their own souls.
  • Fourth, electronic universal "supernatural" manifestation designed to deceive will create the following illusion: make mankind believe an alien invasion is imminent, make Christians believe a rapture is imminent and the aliens have come to rescue them, and convince all that global satanic supernatural forces and manifestations penetrating worldwide - able to travel through optical fiber, coaxial cable, electric and phone lines - are everywhere and inescapable
The obstacle is not the holography itself but rather the ELF that will be waged that must be counteracted. When ELF is used on a person all their senses alter. You may see things that are truly there but others won't be able to see. Yet at the same time you could capture these powers of darkness on film. Though I do think that Blue Beam will be in conjunction with the actual inner and outer invasion of the fallen angels and demons of Revelation chapter 9 in some way. We can get into counteracting the ELF after awhile. This is a lot of information here.

I just went to my website I've been working on - and paying for. It seems it was taken down. I don't guess they like what I had on it. LOL But I'm still being charged so this is not so cool. However, I did have a reserve copy of the article I had done a while back on the ELF-Blue Beam connection.

Electronic Sorcery & Blue Beam Technology: Tools of the Fourth Beast

ELF is a tool of the Luciferian Elite. It is the New Age version of witchcraft, hence electronic sorcery.
Basically they direct the extremely low frequencies (ELF) at the person they choose for whatever reasoning they have that the targeted person is a dissident. The ELF will put the person into altered states, many times the person doesn't even realize this.
Yet, this is not an altered state as in Hindu like meditations. Basically the brain simply has no firewall to block frequencies. Just as a computer can not restrain a hacker from hacking into a computer without a firewall. This Luciferian tool will be used in conjunction with Blue Beam Technology, better known as Project Blue Beam, to be the voice of the SO-CALLED God, but shall in fact be deceiving spirits.

The effects of ELF on a person can vary based upon length of being hit with the waves, frequency setting, or both.
Some of the symptoms are as follows (yet will always be more than two symptoms per zap):
1. Slight to a complete loss of concentration, memory, and an overall blanking out for a few seconds to a few minutes.
2. Dizziness
3. Drop dead in your tracks fatigue in which you just MUST sleep without an otherwise known cause. You may find yourself sleeping from 12-20 hours at a time.
4. Immediate wired effect in which you feel as if you’re on major amounts of caffeine or even cocaine. You may stay awake for 22-48 hours with no sleep, all the while still feeling wired.
5. Ringing, buzzing, popping, clicking, humming sound within the ears. This may even be painful to the extent it feels as though something sharp is pounding your eardrum(s).
6. Altered taste-metallic taste.
7. Pressurized feeling within your head.
8. Images of light, as in an 'aurora,' from an image you just looked at. Beams of light may also be seen. This can happen anywhere.
9. Voice(s) inside the brain that are not your own or the Holy Spirit, yet is LIKE the Holy Spirit. (If you are a target and it is used on you too often it will become difficult to tell the difference whether it is the voice synthesizer in the ELF or the Holy Spirit!)
10. Just KNOWING where to look to see a UFO. You look and sure enough one shows up.
11. You may become paralyzed in bed while a voice commands you to not resist. (You may feel a presence by your bed when this occurs.)
12. Lucid dreaming.
13. Flashes of light
14. You may hear voices coming from your electronic equipment that shouldn't be
15. You may have high body heat - as in a hot flash that lingers on for hours
16. DURING this you may have 'visions' of phantoms, balls of light, demons, aliens (fallen angels), etc.
17. You may have an involuntary out of body experience
18. Rapid heart rate while sitting still, without medical or physical cause.
19. Seeing through closed eyelids
20. Kundalini experiences
Now the above is not even a complete listing of the effects of ELF (extremely low frequency weapons).
Now do you see why it is WISE to investigate ELF BEFORE this nation slides any further into the Abyss? I sure do hope so.

When you put this together with Blue Beam Technology you get one ripen headache! Blue Beam technology will be used to bring about the New World Order, the Antichrist kingdom, and the fourth beast, which will be used in the final stages prior to the Antichrist appearance. However, many will believe Blue Beam is in fact the Antichrist, or the messiah (false). DON’T be a fool!

Blue Beam has existed for decades and has been used extensively in many areas, including the Gulf War. All the while it is being refined. However, the ultimate purpose still awaits.

YOU have time to prepare for just in case you are here when it's in use. With the new Homeland Defense office setting up the way it is with the New Nazi Tom Ridge as the head surely it won't be long. The camps, or prisons as they're called, are being made ready now. The laws are being revised, revoked, and new laws are taking its place. Soon it will be time to flee into the wilderness. When we do certainly the Nazi foxes will come looking for us and use their weaponry to gain a foothold. KNOW the plans and symptoms of ELF so you can recognize it and fight it when the day comes.
Make hard copies NOW of such websites as over 5000 websites have shutdown since 9-11-01.
The battle is for the mind!


Sunday, January 26, 2014

Who Is Waging The War on Terra?

Ahayah Yashiya's Blog

This is about as creepy as it gets... 

Our planet is clearly under attack.
Anyone even half awake can see the world today is careening towards disaster when there is no reason for it. Our resources are plentiful, and the vast majority of people on earth are loving, ethical and well meaning individuals.

However, those in places of authority and economic power appear to be maniacal psychopaths constantly scheming for new ways to use and abuse humanity and its beautiful home called Earth, or Terra.
You name it:
  • politically
  • economically
  • socially
  • environmentally
It appears we've been literally invaded by something foreign to our world and are being systematically abused, dismantled and destroyed.
Just Look at the Nuclear Nightmare No One Notices
Nuclear radiation is showing up everywhere!
Never mind the constant death-dealing spray of radiation from Fukus-up-shima, humanity's being dosed from every which way on this insane planet.
  • leftover radiation from decades of nuclear bomb tests
  • Fukushima showers
  • cell phones
  • TSA checkpoints
  • medical offices
  • irradiated food
  • depleted uranium used in the war forum and elsewhere
  • leaking nuclear reactors,'s pathetic.
And that's all we know about.

And that doesn't include the Chemtrails and other insane geoengineering "experiments", managed mega oil disasters and the toxification of our water table via gas fracking and other means, never mind the mad wars being waged worldwide, etc.
Why Are They Doing It?
  • Alter our genetic make up?
  • Produce a morphed human race only capable of subservient tasks to please a master race immune or protected from these mutative influences on a deliberately morphed planet?

I know, pretty freaky. But all actually plausible.

Know Your Enemy.

How CAN it be! Personally I like to think how can things like this be true, and not how they're NOT possible. When it comes to strangeness we need not look beyond our current world.

We just need to look deeper at what's right before our eyes.
The Terraforming and Depopulation Agenda 
Terraforming, it's not just for alien worlds anymore.

Terraforming fundamentally is at the core of much of what we're witnessing in today's world.
This transformation has been afoot for centuries, drugging and altering and culling the herd to keep it manageable while the would be Controllers attempt to create their perfect, illuminated utopian world... with us as their slaves.

And we're witnessing a whole new beyond-Orwellian stage now in their war to change and control humanity.

If you're following the trends and social memes that have surfaced over the past few years, an accelerating pattern unfolds. While our skies are sprayed with chemicals creating a consistent metallic haze worldwide, blocking the sun and poisoning our population, plants, animals, water and soil for future generations, our food chain is also being genetically modified with such reckless state-sponsored abandon it makes your head spin.

On top of that, while more and more chemical toxins are added to our food and water, our population is given vaccines and pharmaceuticals to further alter our natural make up and behavior.
The media and science promote our "embracing" of new exponentially increasing technological changes and to eventually literally accept chips in our bodies for social and economic control.
If you watch closely you'll see an onslaught of propaganda encouraging us to become "trans human", a concept heavily promoted in the music industry and Hollywood.
Why Are They Doing This?
This Battle for Earth and the seeming preparation by covert powers for these esoteric plans and purposes has been unfolding for millennia.
Let's look at a few aspects of this struggle for dominion by generations of power mongers a little deeper.

The Front Men Set the Stage
Following is perhaps the most ominous speech in recent history.
If you can stomach it, George W. Bush lays down the boundless terms for an international assault on... an emotion. This is straight out of Orwell's 1984 where the world is continually fighting far away wars with constantly shifting evil-doing fictitious enemies.

At just before 4 minutes in you'll hear the ultimate false choice of our age, that sets the stage for the coming war to fully control humanity and usher in the New World Order they're hoping this will lead to:
"Either you are with us, or you are with the terrorists."
Not a lot of wiggle room there. And since then that's exactly what we've gotten - less freedoms, more restrictions imposed by the metastasized US State and its internationalist minions.
And if you buck it or dare to criticize the State of 'US', from the invasive TSA to our Gestapo Homeland Security, you're going to see consequences become 'grave'.

"W" Spells Out the War on "Terra"One last thing before the script for world domination is dutifully read by Aleister Crowley's retarded inbred grandson George W. Jr. (below video)
If you listen carefully to the very beginning of this speech, and tell me if W doesn't seem to deliberately over Texan-ize the first use of the majorly important word terror to sound eerily like Terra, as in Earth.

Deliberate? Wouldn't put it past them... one bit. As he goes on he pronounces the word just fine.

Oh how they love to flaunt their program to the "initiated brethren". (Fine to just listen to the beginning, the rest is nauseating...)

Video Link:
War On Terra?
Yup. Worldwide Dominion Is Their Goal
The Illuminati elite and their minions clearly seek to subdue all peoples of the earth in a great culmination of thousands of years of planning, manipulation and wicked social engineering.
As we know, true history has been buried, twisted and rewritten by not just the victors, but the Controllers who play both sides.

However, there is a growing awakening sweeping our planet, and as a result essential facts have been coming to light for some time now. Their once secret (or occult) plans and methods are being exposed and brought to light for all to see.

As evidence to the above, I came across this in my research on the War on Terra by passionate researcher and Truth activist Ian Crane... perfect.
This is where...
"Ian R. Crane links the trauma of contrived oil and food shortages with the plan to introduce GM foods, not only to maximize the profitability of a mature oil & gas industry but also to provide a source of additional taxation for the primary purpose of funding an increasing number of illegal preemptive wars.

As the British Government signs legislation legalizing "scientific research" into far-reaching aspects of Genetic Engineering and Trans-Genetics, the author presents the ever increasing evidence to support his hypothesis that Humanity is under attack by those who believe that they are the rightful rulers of a global dominion."
Good on you, Ian! One of many endeavoring to expose the agenda.
Psycho-Social Control - The Illuminati Hegelian Dialectic
First, it's important to understand how they can subjugate whole nations and populations.
This is obviously a huge subject as they use many methods including fear, intimidation, outright fabrications, phony suppositions and even witchcraft and literal mind control techniques in addition to their drugging and food altering technologies.

We watch helplessly as governments rise and fall, markets are manipulated to benefit the same greedy Illuminati robber barons, and society gets shredded with an incessant bombardment of mind-numbing hedonist media confusion.

Push Me, Pull Me - The constant stress of continual cognitive dissonance
  • Violence, sex, and rebellion are condemned while being fiercely promoted and popularized at the same time
  • In the name of so-called freedom, restraints from political correctness and phony "security" concerns shackle whole populations, which they accept gladly in the face of threats of phony external threats such as "terrorism"
  • Supposedly representative politicians make sweeping promises and habitually proceed to do the opposite
  • Religions clearly manipulate and easily sway huge masses of fabricatedly insecure people, subjected to an authoritarian hierarchy and told to love a god who will send them to hell if they get out of line
  • Child abuse is condemned while it's known to be rampant and unprosecuted amongst the religious orders and elite,

Welcome to dystopia
Anyone paying attention can see they're hitting us from all sides. And that's on purpose... it drives us to a desired place through the use of what's called the Hegelian Dialectic.
In simple practical terms David Icke explains the Hegelian Dialectic as Problem-Reaction-Solution:
Another Example - The environment is under deliberate attack, while they pretend to champion its preservation

Just observe the deliberate poisoning of our atmosphere with Chemtrails and pollutants and unnecessary fossil fuel use, while the Sierra Club condemns us for driving cars or exhaling CO2.
Tell me that's not madness.
Then there's the medicating of our drinking water through fluoride, chlorine, metals and other additives while we're excoriated for challenging the government's divine wisdom in doing so.
Look at the restrictions imposed on natural medicines and supplements while they peddle dangerous drugs to the tune of multi-billions of dollars. And most horridly perhaps, the genetic modification of the very food we ingest for sustenance - while they outlaw home gardening, seeds and small farms!!
Hard to consciously digest, so to speak....

The Truth of the Matter
The world doesn't have to be the way it is - it's the mess it's in because that's how the manipulators want it.

If Earth's rightful inhabitants were left to natural and conscious laws of Universal design, we'd have plenty of food, free energy, rational and loving public discourse and happy interaction, and great intuitive conscious awareness where we would naturally align with the energy enhancing laws of the Universe... much like iron filings align and get charged by naturally occurring magnetic energy.

But worst of all for the Controllers or "powers that be", we'd be empowered, and they'd be out of a job - and no longer able to literally suck our energy and life forces like the vampires that they are.


But Who's Behind the Illuminati? What's the Plan?
Researchers have been digging, tracing, connecting dots, speculating and formulating for a long time. Truth has intrinsic power and value, much more powerful than the opposing sorcery that tries to usurp everything for itself.

And the Truth is coming out!

That they could be an alien race of trans-dimensionals, or demon-possessed wicked Satanists out to do their master's bidding is up for grabs. It could be both.
But rather than give you a false choice in the matter, why don't you figure it out?
Serious Questions Here
  • Is there a conspiracy and hidden agenda by powerful entities, or is it all just a coincidence and convergence of essentially accidental and random evolution of influences and events?
  • Would powerful people actually meet together and plan or "conspire" for a self-serving elitist agenda toward their idea of utopia that may not be to the liking of the world's inhabitants?
  • Could they be influenced or controlled to a large degree by powerful alien, trans-dimensional or spiritual entities attempting to execute some 'esoteric' plan?
Hey, who knows for sure.
But ancient history from several cultures repeatedly tells the same story of a primordial invasion of earth by another species who interbred with early hominids to create what is now known as homo sapiens.
  • How are you going to deal with that?
  • With religious myths again to keep it at arms length through hierarchical rigmarole?
Time to get conscious.
If we really believe we are all consciousness and essentially parts of an infinite Universe, maybe we better start listening to our hearts, challenging the party line and doing some serious research.

Because we are under attack...


The earth and humanity are clearly being transformed, and it's not by accident and definitely not with our consent, except through our ignorance.
If indeed we know the rulers of this world are up to a plan, which you'd be crazy not to believe, then our task is to see what that plan is and do our part to expose and stop it.

The earth is not slowly, but quickly being converted into something other than what it is naturally. The design apparently is that those who survive these manipulated changes will be the support team for these wicked trans-dimensional controllers who can survive just fine in the atmosphere they're creating. In fact, it will probably support their life form better than the current natural earth does.

A very sci-fi sounding plot? Actually it's not that far from many religious teachings.
The problem there is manipulated religions keep the masses transfixed on a very narrow, detached narrative, wholly dependent on a self-appointed hierarchy as they wait for the cavalry to save them. While there's clearly truth mixed in with religious teachings, the paradigms are usually limiting and disempowering.

Meanwhile the Controllers literally get away with murder.

Any way you look at it, humanity is under attack, and they're pulling out the stops. The more people who wake up to this heinous plot, however you see it, and take conscious action accordingly, the less power they have to execute it.

And as this vibrational change toward greater and greater conscious awareness dawns, like the sun rising after a dark night, the shadows of darkness will surely flee away.

Until then we need to light as many torches as we can!

All Praises to the Most High Ahayah Bahasham Yashiya Wa Rawach!