Saturday, August 31, 2013


Wake Up!


All Praises To Ahayah Bahasham Yashiya Wa Rawach!

Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Ahayah Yashiya: Presents Your Copies of Sheeple Magazines

Wake Up!


All Praises To Ahayah Bahasham Yashiya Wa Rawach!

Monday, August 26, 2013

Obamacare Law HR 4872 Page 1014 RFID CHIP - Mark of the Beast - 666 System


All Praises to Ahayah Bahasham Yashiya Wa Rawach!

WARNING!!! '666' - MARK OF THE BEAST - Every American To Be Microchipped Per The Obamacare

Wake Up My People!


We'll soon see Zion Praise "AHAYAH"


What is the "New World Order"? NWO an Overview

Ahayah Yashiya’s Blog

Shalam Ahch/Ahchwath!

What is the "New World Order"? For best results, type "New World Order" into Google. The most common definition would be the following or any variation of the following.


"There is a worldwide conspiracy being orchestrated by an extremely powerful and influential group of genetically-related individuals (at least at the highest echelons) which include many of the world's wealthiest people, top political leaders, and corporate elite, as well as members of the so-called Black Nobility of Europe (dominated by the British Crown) whose goal is to create a One World (fascist) Government, stripped of nationalistic and regional boundaries, that is obedient to their agenda. Their intention is to effect complete and total control over every human being on the planet and to dramatically reduce the world's population by 5.5 Billion people. While the name New World Order is a term frequently used today when referring to this group, it's more useful to identify the principal organizations, institutions, and individuals who make up this vast interlocking spider-web of elite conspirators."

The Illuminati is the oldest term commonly used to refer to the 13 bloodline families (and their offshoots) that make up a major portion of this controlling elite. Most members of the Illuminati are also members in the highest ranks of numerous secretive and occult societies which in many cases extend straight back into the ancient world. The upper levels of the tightly compartmentalized (need-to-know-basis) Illuminati structural pyramid include planning committees and organizations that the public has little or no knowledge of. The upper levels of the Illuminati pyramid include secretive committees with names such as: the Council of 3, the Council of 5, the Council of 7, the Council of 9, the Council of 13, the Council of 33, the Grand Druid Council, the Committee of 300 (also called the "Olympians") and the Committee of 500 among others.

"A One World Government and one-unit monetary system, under permanent non-elected hereditary oligarchists who self-select from among their numbers in the form of a feudal system as it was in the Middle Ages. In this One World entity, population will be limited by restrictions on the number of children per family, diseases, wars, famines, until 1 billion people who are useful to the ruling class, in areas which will be strictly and clearly defined, remain as the total world population.
There will be no middle class, only rulers and the servants. All laws will be uniform under a legal system of world courts practicing the same unified code of  laws, backed up by a One World Government police force and a One World unified military to enforce laws in all former countries where no national boundaries shall exist. The system will be on the basis of a welfare state; those who are obedient and subservient to the One World Government will be rewarded with the means to live; those who are rebellious will simply be starved to death or be declared outlaws, thus a target for anyone who wishes to kill them. Privately owned firearms or weapons of any kind will be prohibited."

The sheer magnitude and complex web of deceit surrounding the individuals and organizations involved in this conspiracy is mind boggling, even for the most astute among us. Most people react with disbelief and skepticism towards the topic, unaware that they have been conditioned (brainwashed) to react with skepticism by institutional and media influences that were created by the Mother of All mind control organizations.

What most Americans believe to be "Public Opinion" is in reality carefully crafted and scripted propaganda designed to elicit a desired behavioral response from the public. Public opinion polls are really taken with the intent of gauging the public's acceptance of the Illuminati's planned programs. A strong showing in the polls tells the Illuminati that the programing is "taking", while a poor showing tells the NWO manipulators that they have to recast or "tweak" the programming until the desired response is achieved. While the thrust and content of the propaganda is decided at Tavistock, implementation of the propaganda is executed in the United States by well over 200 'think tanks' such as the Rand Corporation and the Brookings Institute which are overseen and directed by the top NWO mind control organization in the United States, the Stanford Research Institute (SRI) in Menlo Park, California.


The NWO global conspirators manifest their agenda through the skillful manipulation of human emotions, especially fear.
The technique is as follows: Illuminati strategists create the Problem- by funding , assembling, and training an "opposition" group to stimulate turmoil in an established political power (sovereign country, region, continent, etc.) that they wish to impinge upon and thus create opposing factions in a conflict that the Illuminati themselves maneuvered into existence. In recent decades, so called "opposition" groups are usually identified in the media as 'freedom fighters' or 'liberators' (recently the KLA-Kosovo Liberation Army).

At the same time, the leader of the established political power where the conflict is being orchestrated is demonized and, on cue, referred to as 'another Hitler' (take your pick: Saddam Hussein, Milosevic, Kaddafi, etc.). The 'freedom fighters' are not infrequently assembled from a local criminal element (i.e. KLA, drug traffickers). In the spirit of true Machiavellian deceit, the same NWO strategists are equally involved in covertly arming and advising the leader of the established power as well (the Illuminati always profits from any armed conflict by loaning money, arming, and supplying all parties involved in a war).

The conflict is drawn to the world stage by the controlled  media outlets with a barrage of photos and video tape reports of horrific and bloody atrocities suffered by innocent civilians. The cry goes up "Something has to be done!" And That is the desired Reaction (note: the  same technique is presently being used to bring about gun control in the United States).

The NWO puppeteers then provide the Solution by sending in UN 'Peace Keepers' (Bosnia) or a UN 'Coalition Force' (Gulf War) or NATO Bombers and then ground troops (Kosovo). Once installed, the 'peace keepers' never leave (Bosnia, Kosovo). The idea is to have NWO controlled ground troops in all major countries or strategic areas where significant resistance to the New World Order takeover is likely to be encountered.

The corporate portion of the NWO pyramid seems to be dominated by international bankers and the big pharmaceutical cartels, as well as other major multinational corporations. The Royal Family of England, namely Queen Elizabeth II and the House of Windsor, (who are, in fact, descendants of the German arm of European Royalty -the Saxe-Coburg-Gotha family-changed the name to Windsor in 1914 ), are high level players, along with the British oligarchy which controls the upper strata of the Illuminati. The decision making Illuminati nerve centers of  this effort are in the London (especially the City of London), Basel Switzerland, and Brussels (NATO headquarters).

The United Nations, along with all the agencies working under the UN umbrella, such as the World Health Organization (WHO), are full time players in this scheme. Similarly, NATO is a military tool of the NWO.

The leaders of all major industrial countries like the United States, England, Germany, Italy, Australia, New Zealand, etc. (E.g. members of the "G7/G8" ) are active and fully cooperative participants in this conspiracy. In this century, the degree of control exerted by the Illuminati has advanced to the point that only certain hand-picked individuals, who are groomed and selected by the Illuminati are even eligible to become the prime minister or president of countries like England, Germany, or The United States. It didn't matter whether Bill Clinton or Bob Dole won the Presidency  in 1996, the  results would have been the same (except maybe for Zipper Gate ). Both men are playing on the same team for the same ball club. Anyone who isn't a team player is taken out: i.e. President Kennedy, Ali Bhutto (Pakistan) and Aldo Moro (Italy). More recently, Admiral Borda and William Colby were also killed because they were either unwilling to go along with the conspiracy to destroy America, weren't cooperating in some capacity, or were attempting to expose/ thwart the Takeover agenda.

Most of the major  wars, political upheavals,  and economic depression/recessions of the past 100 years (and earlier)  were carefully planned and instigated by the machinations of these elites. They include The Spanish-American War (1898), World War I and World War II; The Great Depression; the Bolshevik Revolution of 1917; the Rise of Nazi Germany; the Korean War; the Vietnam War; the 1989-91"fall" of Soviet Communism, the 1991 Gulf War; and the recent War in Kosovo. Even the French Revolution was an orchestrated into existence by the Bavarian Illuminati and the House of Rothschild.


In America, the
Federal Emergency Management Administration (FEMA) was created in 1979 under Presidential Memorandum 32 authored for President Carter by Prof. Samuel P. Huntington, a Harvard professor and former FEMA Advisory Board chairman. Huntington wrote the Seminal Peace for the Trilateral Commission in the mid 70's, in which he criticized democracy and economic development as outdated ideas. As co-author of another report prepared for the Trilateral Commission, The Crisis of Democracy, Huntington wrote:

"We have come to recognize that there are potential desirable limits to economic growth. There are also potentially desirable limits to the indefinite extension of political democracy. A government which lacks authority will have little ability short of cataclysmic crisis to impose on its people the sacrifices which may be necessary."

This plan was further strengthened in Public Law 101-647, signed by President Bush in November 1990. What it boils down to is this: in the event that the President declares a national emergency, for any reason (from major earthquakes to increased international tensions or economic /financial crisis of any stripe), FEMA can then, at their discretion, implement Executive Orders 10995 through 11005. These Executive Orders permit a takeover by FEMA of local, state, and national governments and the suspension of constitutional guarantees. FEMA will have the authority to exert any sort of control that it deems necessary upon the American public. A trained National Police Force, formally referred to by the name of Multi Jurisdictional Task Force (MJTF), wearing black uniforms and composed of:
1. specially selected US military personnel
2. foreign military units carrying United Nations ID cards, and
3. specially trained existing police groups from larger metropolitan American cities.
These members of the MJTF will implement and enforce martial law under the direction and control of FEMA. The President and Congress are out of the loop.

FEMA is the Trojan Horse by which the New World Order will implement overt, police-state control over the American populace.

War on Drugs

The "War on Drugs" is a cruel joke. The US government,
specifically the CIA, is the biggest 'drug lord' on the planet. Drug money is used to pay for innumerable 'black projects', including the construction of huge underground cities housing both humans and aliens working with the secret US government.

The instigation of a trumped-up war as a cover for amassing  fortunes can be dated back to at least the 12th Century when only a core group of nine members of an Illuminati group called the Knights Templar, the military arm of an Illuminati secret society known as the Priory of Sion, kicked off The Crusades that lasted for over a century and a half. A rift later developed between the Templars and the Priory of Sion when Jerusalem was lost to Saracen Turks in 1187. In 1307, the king of France, Philippe the Fair (a Merovingian Illuminati), coveted the wealth and was jealous of the Templars' power. The French king, being a puppet of the Priory of Sion, set out to arrest all the Templars in France on October 13. While many Templars were seized and tortured, including their Grand Master, Jacques de Molay, many other Templars (who had been tipped off) escaped. They eventually resurfaced in Portugal, in Malta (as the Knights of Malta) and later in Scotland as The Scottish Rites of Free Masonry The acquisition and consolidation of ever greater wealth, natural resources, total political power, and control over others are the motivating forces which drives the decisions of the Illuminati. The toll in human suffering and the loss of innocent lives are non issues for these individuals, who are aligned with very dark and malevolent 4th dimensional aliens. The dominant group of 4th dimensional malevolent aliens controlling and manipulating the human Illuminati are known as Draconians or Drakos Reptilians. Not all alien reptilians are of a negative spiritual orientation.

Mind Control

Recent revelations from deprogrammed Illuminati (government) mind controlled individuals such as Arizona Wilder (The Biggest
Secret), Cisco Wheeler (The Illuminati Formula to Create an Undetectable Total Mind Control Slave), Cathy O'Brien (Trance Formation of America), and Brice Taylor (Thanks for the Memories) leave NO DOUBT that the upper levels of the  Illuminati engage in Satanic rituals which usually include the killing of young children, the drinking of  human blood and the consuming of flesh and human organs.




All Praises To Ahayah Bahasham Yashiya Wa Rawach! 

Obama's Illuminati Handshake

Ahayah Yashiya’s Blog

Shalam Ahch/Ahchwath!

For all you people who voted for Obama because you wanted "change", don't hold your breath. While I certainly won't miss "Skull and Bones" member George Bush, don't think that Obama does not belong to the same fraternal organizations or at least take orders from them. The Illuminati/Freemasons have this quirky way of communicating with each other and identifying what level or rank they hold within their organizations. It is called the "secret handshake". It really isn't very secret any more but they still seem to enjoy using it.

Check out these pictures of Obama's graduation. The emphasis seems to be on the handshake, not the diploma. The tell tale sign of a masonic handshake is when one person places his thumb on the other person's knuckle. This is a very peculiar way to shake hands. Try it the next time that you shake someone's hand and decide for yourself whether or not it seems odd. The other strange thing about this picture is the very fact that it even exists. Do you have a picture of your own graduation handshake receiving your diploma?

Below are pictures of Masonic handshakes taken from Texe Marrs' book Codex Magica, page 159. I have the entire book on my website if you would like to check it out for yourself. There are several pages on Illuminati/Masonic handshakes.

Below is a popular book about Freemasonry. Please notice the handshake. Like I said previously, if you belong to one of these organizations and want to communicate that fact to some other person whom you suspect is also a member, then the "handshake" is very important.

Coincidentally, the "handshake" was also featured in the most recent edition of Newsweek. It is the Jan. 5, 2009 edition that identifies in their words, "THE NEW GLOBAL ELITE". Oh yeah, Obama's right eye is also darkened. See my blog, Right Eye Darkened.



All Praises To Ahayah Bahasham Yashiya Wa Rawach!

Right Eye Darkened - Zechariah 11:17 (King James Version)

Ahayah Yashiya’s Blog

Shalam Ahch/Ahchwath!

Zechariah 11:17 "Woe to the idol shepherd that leaveth the flock! the sword shall be upon his arm, and upon his right eye: his arm shall be clean dried up, and his right eye shall be utterly darkened. "

For those of you who are not students of The Bible, The bible verse above is a reference to the "anti-Christ", a System - Governmental System.

Please take a very close look at the most recent pictures of Obama


All Praises To Ahayah Bahasham Yashiya Wa Rawach!

Friday, August 23, 2013

21 Hidden Secrets of The Illuminati

Ahayah Yashiya’s Blog

Shalam Ahch/Ahchwath!

To celebrate Angels and Demons (Dan brown’s latest film), I play a little devil’s advocate here. After all, the Illuminati CONTROL EVERYTHING, don’t they?

1. They control the Media - CNN, BBC, ABC, CBS, FOX , RT news, printed pages. Everything.

2. They control Banking - and deliberately crashed their own financial system. Out of the chaos, a New World Order.

3. They control Medicine - with pharmaceuticals they pollute and corrupt your body. They already own your mind.

4. They control Politicians - both sides of the political game; both left and right, liberal and conservative in every country.

5. They control Lawmakers / Judges – everyone has had their youthful indiscretions. Sometimes blackmail / sexual incidents are deliberately set up. Everyone is under their thumb.

6. They control Technology - ever since Roswell, we have been on a technological ascent. With harvested Alien / UFO Technology (back-engineered) we have reached our current technological peak. Companies such as GE were beneficiaries of seeded research.

7. They control Weather – using HAARP technology they can cause / manipulate the seasons & hurricanes. Think Katrina.

8. They control Frequencies - it has been said that mobile phone frequencies attune with the human mind, and distort / corrupt it. Deliberate?

9. The control Food – using GM technologies, our food is being degraded of precious life. In the pursuit of ever bigger harvests, we end up with emptier foods.

10. They control Life – a birth certificate says you have been born, a death certificate marks your passage from this physical world. Without this ‘official’ stamp, it hasn’t ‘happened’.

11. They control Religion - Christianity is the biggest faith on the planet, and the biggest of the big, is the Vatican. The Pope (apparently) is an Illuminati agent (Jesuits).

12. They control Knowledge – Universities are the gatekeepers of cutting edge research. Using carefully directed funds & research grants, knowledge is steered in a certain direction.

13. They control the Military – the whole army industrial complex or weaponized might is powered by Black Ops projects. Underground bases.

14. They control the Drug Trade – the borders are safe, what gets through is totally permitted. the CIA is in on drug running, and even organizes the whole racket.

15. They control Education - you can only make correct decisions with correct information. Education sees to it that you receive the wrong / irrelevant data.

16. They control the Counter-Movement - think the 60′s was all about rebellion? it was co-opted. Think Alex Jones tells the truth? where does he get funded?

17. They control Space – all the images we get from NASA … have been airbrushed and tampered with. Bases on the Moon, ruins on Mars.

18. They control Celebrities – Britney Spears and Anna Nicole Smith? mind controlled sex slaves.

19. They control the Future – everything has been building up to 2012. Wait to see the big event! A cosmic slideshow!

20. They control … YOU!


The TRUTH Shall set YOU Free!


All Praises To Ahayah Bahasham Yashiya Wa Rawach!

Ahayah Yashiya: "Jews" Are NOT Descendants of Abraham

Please Subscribe and thank you for all your Love and Support. All Praises To The Most High AHAYAH BAHASHAM YASHIYA WA RAWACH!

Thursday, August 22, 2013


Ahayah Yashiya’s Blog

Shalam Ahch/Ahchwath!

501(c) (3) Churches = Business

O.K. Pastors, Evangelists, Missionaries, Deacons, Trustees, Elders…listen up! Let’s stop all the hocus-pocus, the illusions, the scams, the fairy-tales and the out right lies regarding what the 501(c)(3) incorporated church is and is not. For a change, let’s deal with facts. For those of you who don’t understand “facts”, in the legal arena facts are used and are supported by documented evidence which would be admissible in a legitimate court of law. Facts are not hyperbole!

THE DOWN side of the 501(c)(3) corporation:

*The creator of a corporation is the State;

*The State is the sole authority and sovereign head over the corporation;

*The corporation is subject to the laws of the State which limits its powers;

*The corporation has no constitutionally protected rights;

*The corporation is an artificial person;

*The corporation submits to a State Charter declaring it is a creature of the State;

*The corporation is created for the benefit of the public;

*The corporation is a State franchise;

*The corporation is a privilege granted by the State.

The above statements are facts. They were not invented by this author in order to make a point. They were established by case law, precedents, if you will. They are still good law, never having been overturned, therefore, they are still in full force and effect. In the landmark case Hale vs. Henkel, 201 U.S. 43 at 74 (1906), the U.S. Supreme Court stated the following regarding corporations:

“Upon the other hand, the corporation is a creature of the State. It is presumed to be incorporated for the benefit of the public. It receives certain special privileges and franchises, and holds them subject to the laws of the State and the limitations of its charter. Its powers are limited by law. It can make no contract not authorized by its charter. Its rights to act as a corporation are only preserved to it so long as it obeys the laws of its creation.”

Continuing with Hale vs. Henkel, 201 U.S. 74-75 (1906) the Court also stated regarding corporations:

“There is a clear distinction in this particular between and individual and a corporation and that the latter has no right to refuse to submit its books and papers for examination at the suit of the State. While an individual may lawfully refuse to answer incriminating questions unless protected by an immunity statute, it does not follow that a corporation vested with certain privileges and franchises may refuse to show its hand when charged with an abuse of such privileges.”

Do you get it? Can you see the trap? A 501(c)(3) corporation, being an artificial person, is not considered a person under the First Amendment to the United States Constitution (religious liberty clause) or under the Fifth Amendment to the United States Constitution (protection against self-incrimination clause). Therefore, an incorporated church has NO First or Fifth Amendment rights.

In the case Johnson vs. Goodyear, 127 Cal.4 (1899):

“A corporation, being an artificial person, only has rights within the
 meaning of the due process and equal protection clauses of the Fourteenth Amendment to the United States Constitution and similar provisions of State constitutions and within the meaning of state statutes.”

THE DIRTY side of a 501(c)(3) corporation:

*The 501(c)(3)corporation may exist in perpetuity;

*The 501(c)(3)corporation is required by law to serve the State;

*The 501(c)(3)corporation must support the government agenda, i.e. all public policy;

*The 501(c)(3)corporation is not really tax exempt, since it pays Social Security taxes;

*The 501(c)(3)corporation allegedly has limited liability protection;

*The 501(c)(3)corporation is just considered another business;

*The 501(c)(3)corporation can hold real estate;

*The 501(c)(3)corporation can sue and be sued;

*The 501(c)(3)corporation members do not own any of the assets;

*The 501(c)(3)corporation is governed by a Board of Directors;

*To dissolve the 501(c)(3)corporation, you must first give all your assets (if you have any) to another 501(c)(3)corporation. If you do not do this the State will take your assets and distribute them for you to other tax-exempt 501(c)(3)corporations.

You know the statement, “…there is nothing new under the sun.” Well this is certainly true about corporations. The corporation as we know it today was perfected by the Romans around 250 B.C. It had all the legal attributes that we know today. These are called legal maximums, which all originated with Rome, and survive to this day as governing legal dictum. Remember the Romans were pagans and they controlled every facet of their society, including its legal system.

As I am sure you will remember, in the Roman Empire, there were no individual or personal liberties. The only benefits and privileges you received were State-sanctioned. The great and mighty supreme authority over everything was the State. In all matters, nothing in Rome, and/or their provinces, could be done without the State’s license and permission. Incorporation became mandatory by 6 A.D. for all “spontaneous collectivities of persons.”

Rome literally had hundreds of deities which they permitted to be worshipped. The key word here is “permitted”. The Lord’s church was not only persecuted because of who they worshipped, they were persecuted because of their refusal to seek permission from the State by becoming incorporated. The Lord’s church was considered illicit because of this refusal. Sounds like what we have today, does it not?


This section is specifically for the Pastors who masquerade their 501(c)(3) corporations as a church; who continually allow the church to be demeaned as an underling, a subordinate, and a dependent of the State. It’s for Pastors who have crawled to Caesar with bones shacking and quivering to seek the almighty mythical tax-exemption. It’s for

Pastors who choose Caesar’s favor over obedience to God. And, sadly it’s for Pastors who should be able to grasp this simple Biblical doctrine, or, are just plain stupid, or, worse yet, they think they are smarter than the Lord… this section is for you!

*The 501(c)(3) incorporated church powers and activities are defined and limited by Federal Statutes and by the regulations of the Internal Revenue Service. Commissioner, and are in total submission to the State and Federal authorities;

*The 501(c)(3) incorporated church is considered to be perpetual, and cannot be dissolved or unincorporated unless and until all assets are merged into another “tax-exempt 501(c)(3) corporation or trust”;

*The 501(c)(3) incorporated church has agreed to allow the Internal Revenue Service to be the final arbitrator and authority of what is and is not a church; to certify religion and to state who we can worship, what we can or cannot believe, and who we can give our tithes to. It’s a sad commentary about the church of our day when the church feels compelled to go to sinners to seek legitimacy;

*The 501(c)(3) incorporated church can now sue and be sued. Incorporation does little or nothing in the way of actually protecting the church. The legal truth is that a church cannot be sued and brought into court until it incorporates, because then it becomes a legal entity. Prior to incorporation, a church “is not an entity recognized in law.” If the court cannot legally recognize it, it cannot be sued. A church is not subject to the jurisdiction of any court. However, when a church incorporates it most certainly may be sued. Incorporation becomes the nexus of government jurisdiction over the incorporated church. Until the church incorporated it was completely outside the purview and jurisdiction of the civil government. This is a critical legal truth that seldom, if ever, will be discussed with you by your attorney.

*The 501(c)(3) incorporated church establishes with the government an “unholy alliance”. The church and the corporation are each distinct, separate and mutually exclusive entities. “…Therefore when the church incorporates the church does not merge with the corporation.” Sierra Ville Community Church vs. McKenzie, 240 P.2nd 663 (1952). A symbiotic relationship is established wherein an incorporated church promotes the work of the church through the corporation, and the public interest, the work of the corporation and the State, are promoted through the incorporated church. This “unholy alliance” has resulted in the incorporated church being assimilated into promoting the philosophies and vain deceits after the traditions of man and the world, as enforced by civil government.

*The 501(c)(3) incorporated church has said that God is not sovereign over His Church. He has no place of honor. The church is the institution ordained and established by Yashiya Christ Himself, and, Christ has never delegated His authority to the any civil jurisdiction to rule in the affairs of His church. The 501(c)(3) incorporated church publicly declares that Yashiya Christ is no longer competent to govern, protect and provide for His own church;

The Lord’s church has allowed itself to be emasculated by the United States government’s so called favors and privileges. It is too apathetic, intimidated and fearful to understand it was already guaranteed, by the First Amendment to the United States Constitution, all rights, freedoms, liberties and protections. The courts have always recognized, “…a church is not an entity recognized in law”, therefore they have no jurisdiction over the church. How is it then that the Lord’s church can’t get this…they automatically commit spiritual suicide by voluntarily giving jurisdiction to the State by incorporating.

How is it that the Lord’s church cannot grasp that the First Amendment was an act of God’s wisdom and providence in order to safeguard His church and maintain its independence from the State? The First Amendment is the highest form of real protection ever known in the history of the church:

“Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof, or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.”

Where are the fearless Pastors who delivered potent “fire and brimstone” sermons against sin in all its forms? Where are the Pastors who spoke valiantly, without fear of retribution, against a corrupt government, sin, society’s condition, voter issues, and any and all forms of injustice? Where are the Pastors who care more about honoring God than being popular? Most Pastors today would rather sell their souls, enjoy sin for a season, and not worry about the coming Judgment Day, than ruffle any government feathers and thereby risk losing their “precious and sacred” 501(c)(3) incorporated status. “Let him that thinketh he standeth take heed lest he fall.” I Corinthians 10:12: and, “the fear of man bringeth a snare.” Proverbs 29:25.

Have any of you Pastors bothered to think about what impact your “running scared and spirit of fear attitude” has on the world? What kind of testimony is it to the unbeliever when the church incorporates out of a spirit of fear? Sadly, the issue of our testimony is seldom ever considered when making this monumental decision. But you can be sure of one thing, it is something that many others will think about when presented with the gospel. How about this scenario, “O.K. the Pastor just said that Yashiya not only saves my soul, but He will be my Savior in every area of my life. He’s my Provider. He’s my Protector. Well, if He’s such a great Protector, why then did this church have to go to the State for protection through incorporation? Obviously the church must not think very much of Yashiya’ ability to protect them. No, I don’t think I’m interested in the salvation this Yashiya offers.”

American’s have always looked to the Bible and to the Pastors for moral direction. The world has long recognized the church in America as the most common and most influential institution in American history. It is for sure that our Founding Fathers, who fought to establish this Country, held the uncompromising knowledge that the church was not subservient or subordinate to any king, parliament, president or any other civil government body.

“A more certain way to attack religion is by favor, by the comforts of life, by the hope of wealth; not by what reminds one of it, but by what makes one forget it: not by what makes one indignant, but by what makes men lukewarm, when other passions act on our souls, and those which religion inspires are silent. In the matter of changing religion, State favors are stronger than penalties.”

The Spirit of the Laws, Baron de Montesquieu (1748)

Well, were truer words ever spoken…the acceptance of State favors have had disastrous consequences on the churches in America. The church is effectively silenced, she is gagged, and has become ineffective. Should you doubt, just take a look at the spiritual and moral bankruptcy of our beloved America. I believe the Pastors will be held responsible and accountable to God for allowing His church to become nothing more than “an arm of Rome”, and for fearing to take an undaunted stand for the fullness of truth.

God will not let spiritual treason go unpunished. It is not the way that “seems right” but the way that “is right” and in full harmony with God’s word. Compliance is compromise.

The 501(c)(3) incorporated church has allowed an unholy alliance to be established between the Lord’s church and the State. “Ye cannot drink the Lord’s cup and the cup of devils,” I Corinthians 10:21. Satan, who “blinds the mind” and “transforms himself into an angel of light…,” has sucked the preachers into his trap of incorporation.

*The 501(c)(3) incorporated church has no 1st Amendment or 5th Amendment rights as provided by the United States Constitution because your corporation is an artificial person; the corporation only has due process and equal protection under the 14th Amendment to the United States Constitution and similar provisions of State constitutions and within the meaning of state statutes;

*The 501(c)(3) incorporated church must adhere to all public policy which restricts the Pastor to preaching politically correct sermons which do not assault anyone’s dignity or self-esteem. This means no speaking out about the character of political candidates, abortion, sodomy, homosexuals, the government, the war, sin, and no propaganda which equals the spreading of doctrine, which would definitely include the gospel. Oh! I know you’re saying “nobody tells me what to preach”. Really! Then obviously you are not aware that in 1954 Lyndon Baines Johnson, a real unethical low-life, was sick and tired of pastors and congregations wielding influence over voters. He declared it was time that the most powerful public forum, the church, be silenced. He proposed that in exchange for “tax-exempt status” the church would have to agree to keep silent on matters which the government considered verboten. If they did not co-operate there would be no tax amnesty for the transgressors. The rest is history.

*The 501(c)(3) incorporated church is just another business under Federal and State Statutes and regulations and to the IRS. You have placed the Lord’s church is the same category with immoral, wicked and despicable groups and organizations, i.e., Planned Parenthood, atheists, witches, Satanists, pornographers, pedophiles, and hundreds of other organizations all seeking legitimacy from a 501(c)(3)corporation as a way to raise tax-deductible money for their perverted activities;

*The 501(c)(3) incorporated church properties are held in trust for the public and such public purposes;

In conclusion, God has honored His church above all others with great power and authority. Now we must come out and be ye separate, and above all honor Him with all our love, our praise and our absolute obedience, for “…to obey is better than sacrifice.” I Samuel 15:22. We must offer our lives as a living sacrifice to Him. We must deny and revoke the “incorporated church” and return and restore the Lord’s church to its rightful owner and Sovereign Head, the Lord Yashiya Christ. “…let God be true and every man a liar.” Romans 3:4. “…and ye shall know the truth and the truth shall make you free.” John 8:32.


All Praises To Ahayah Bahasham Yashiya Wa Rawach!

How the IRS CONTROLS Churches?

Ahayah Yashiya’s Blog

Shalam Ahch/Ahchwath!

IRS hate the Gospel and despise Bible-believing Christians? Has the IRS become a police-state agency that regularly persecutes churches, pastors, and ministries that still believe in old-fashioned patriotism?

Listed below are 35 things the IRS contends are prohibited of churches and ministries. A pastor or ministry leader who violates the guidelines of the IRS on these 35 prohibitions can have his church or group’s tax exemption revoked and be dealt with harshly by the IRS.

These 35 prohibitions on churches and ministries demonstrate how the IRS and the federal government now control churches and insure politically and religiously “correct” behavior.

Liberal Christian churches and false religions such as Hinduism, Witchcraft, and Scientology are not affected by these rules—only Bible-believing, Christian ministries and churches. Also, keep in mind: These 35 things are not prohibited by law nor by the Constitution. The IRS considers itself above the law and the Constitution. According to the IRS, Christian churches, ministries, and organizations may not:

1. Expose conspiracies.

2. Criticize the New World Order.

3. Say or publish anything negative about any politician, Republican or Democrat.

4. Criticize government agencies and bureaus—the IRS, FBI, BATF, CIA, EPA, DEA, OSHA, DOJ, etc.

5. Criticize an institution of government such as the White House, the Congress, the Federal Reserve Board, or the Supreme Court.

6. Encourage citizens to call or write their congressman, senator, governor, mayor, or other public official.

7. Criticize any proposed or pending bill or legislation that would take away the rights and freedoms of the people.

8. Make disparaging remarks about, or criticize, any other faith group, cult, or religion.

9. Expose or criticize the New Age Movement.

10. Support or encourage a law-abiding citizen’s militia.

11. Support or encourage the Second Amendment, the right of the people to keep and bear arms.

12. Discourage young women from getting an abortion, or endorse the pro-life movement.

13. Teach that abortion, especially partial birth abortion, is murder and is the killing of innocent babies.

14. Identify homosexuality as a sin and an abomination to God.

15. Express an opinion on any subject or issue.

16. Appeal to peoples’ emotions by employing an evangelization method (such as “fire and brimstone” preaching) not considered a “reasoned approach” by the IRS.

17. Discuss or identify threats to Christianity.

18. Discuss subjects or topics the IRS deems “sensationalist.”

19. Criticize well-known public figures or institutions the IRS deems “worthy,” such as the super-rich elite, international bankers, the Hollywood movie industry, etc.

20. Publish or broadcast information on any topic without giving credence to the opposing viewpoints of Christ’s enemies.

21. Publish and offer books, tapes, or products that expose the elitist plot against humanity and God.

22. Criticize the Pope or the Vatican, or contrast the New Catholic Catechism with the truths found in the Holy Bible. (Note: only liberal churches are permitted by the IRS to criticize the Catholic Church).

23. Criticize the United Nations or such globalist groups as the Council on Foreign Relations, the Bilderbergers, and the Trilateral Commission.

24. Criticize the Masonic Lodge, the Order of Skull & Bones, or other Secret societies.

25. Highlight or otherwise bring attention to immorality of public officials or corruption in government.

26. Complain of government wrongdoing or injustice, such as happened at Waco, Ruby Ridge, and elsewhere.

27. Criticize the Jewish ADL or other Jewish lobby groups.

28. Say anything positive about the “religious right” or the “patriot movement.”

29. Support home schooling, home churches, or unregistered churches.

30. Spend money on missionary projects or charitable causes not approved by the IRS.

31. Promote or encourage alternative healthcare (herbs, vitamins, etc.).

32. Expose false teachings of any kind by anyone.

33. Support or encourage persecuted Christians suffering under anti-Christian regimes in Red China, Cuba, Russia, Israel, Saudi Arabia, the United States, and elsewhere.

34. Ordain a pastor whose training or qualifications are not approved by the IRS.

35. Advocate or teach any Bible doctrine that is politically or religiously incorrect, or is inconsistent with any “public policy” (abortion, feminism, gay rights, etc.) currently being enforced by the IRS.

Please examine the above list of 35 prohibitions on Christian free speech and activity by the IRS, and decide for yourself: Are conservative Christian ministries and churches being selectively persecuted? Is the IRS willfully violating the civil rights of Christian believers? Are Christian believers receiving the equal protection of the law? What does the First Amendment to the U.S. Constitution say?


All Praises To Ahayah Bahasham Yashiya Wa Rawach!

Thursday, August 15, 2013

30 Signs That The United States Of America Is Being Turned Into A Giant Prison

Ahayah Yashiya’s Blog

Shalam Ahch/Ahchwath!


If you live in the United States of America, you live in a giant prison where liberty and freedom are slowly being strangled to death. In this country, the control freaks that run things are obsessed with watching, tracking, monitoring and recording virtually everything that we do.

Nothing is private anymore. Everything that you do on the Internet is being monitored. All of your phone calls are being monitored. In fact, if law enforcement authorities suspect that you have done something wrong, they will use your cell phone microphone to listen to you even when you think your cell phone is turned off. In many areas of the country, when you get into your car automated license plate readers track you wherever you go, and in many major cities when you are walking on the streets a vast network of security cameras and “smart street lights” are constantly watching you and listening to whatever you say.

The TSA is setting up “internal checkpoints” all over the nation, Homeland Security is encouraging all of us to report any “suspicious activity” that our neighbors are involved in and the federal government is rapidly developing “pre-crime” technology that will flag us as “potential terrorists” if we display any signs of nervousness. If you are flagged as a “potential terrorist”, the U.S. military can arrest you and detain you for the rest of your life without ever having to charge you with anything.

Yes, the United States of America is rapidly being turned into a “Big Brother” prison grid, and most Americans are happily going along with it.

The sad thing is that this used to be “the land of the free and the home of the brave”.

So what in the world happened?

A fundamental shift in our culture has taken place. The American people have eagerly given up huge chunks of liberty and freedom in exchange for vague promises of increased security.

Our country is now run by total control freaks and paranoia has become standard operating procedure.

We were told that the terrorists hate our liberties and our freedoms, and that we needed to fight the terrorists so that we could keep our liberties and our freedoms.

But instead, the government keeps taking away all of our liberties and our freedoms.

How in the world does that make any sense?

Have the terrorists won?
As a country, we have moved so far in the direction of communist China, the USSR and Nazi Germany that it is almost impossible to believe.

Yes, turning the United States of America into a giant prison may make us all slightly safer, but what kind of life is this?

Do we want to be dead while we are still alive?

Is this the price that we want to pay in order to feel slightly safer?

Where are the millions of Americans that still yearn to breathe free air?

America is supposed to be a land teeming with people thirsting for independence. For example, “Live Free or Die” is supposedly the official motto of the state of New Hampshire.

But instead, the motto of most Americans seems to be “live scared and die cowering”.

We don’t have to live like this.

Yes, bad things are always going to happen. No amount of security is ever going to be able to keep us 100% safe.

We need to remember that a very high price was paid for our liberty and we should not give it up so easily.

As one very famous American once said, when we give up liberty for security we deserve neither.

The following are 30 signs that the United States of America is being turned into a giant prison….

#1 A new bill that is going through the U.S. Senate would allow the U.S. military to arrest American citizens and hold them indefinitely without trial. This new law was recently discussed in an article posted on the website of the New American….

In what may be a tale too bizarre to be believed by millions of Americans, the U.S. Senate appears ready to pass a bill that will designate the entire earth, including the United States and its territories, one all-encompassing “battlefield” in the global “war on terror” and authorize the detention of Americans suspected of terrorist ties indefinitely and without trial or even charges being filed that would necessitate a trial.

U.S. Senator Lindsey Graham is a big supporter of the bill, and he says that it would “basically say in law for the first time that the homeland is part of the battlefield”.

According to the PPJ Gazette, the following are three things that this new law would do….
1) Explicitly authorize the federal government to indefinitely imprison without charge or trial American citizens and others picked up inside and outside the United States;

(2) Mandate military detention of some civilians who would otherwise be outside of military control, including civilians picked up within the United States itself; and

(3) Transfer to the Department of Defense core prosecutorial, investigative, law enforcement, penal, and custodial authority and responsibility now held by the Department of Justice.

#2 U.S. Senator Joe Lieberman is asking Google to install a “terrorist button” on all blogs so that readers can easily flag “terrorist content” for authorities.

#3 Most Americans have no idea how sophisticated the “Big Brother” prison grid has become. For example, in Washington D.C. the movements of every single car are tracked using automated license plate readers (ALPRs). The following comes from a recent Washington Post article….

More than 250 cameras in the District and its suburbs scan license plates in real time, helping police pinpoint stolen cars and fleeing killers. But the program quietly has expanded beyond what anyone had imagined even a few years ago.

With virtually no public debate, police agencies have begun storing the information from the cameras, building databases that document the travels of millions of vehicles.

Nowhere is that more prevalent than in the District, which has more than one plate-reader per square mile, the highest concentration in the nation. Police in the Washington suburbs have dozens of them as well, and local agencies plan to add many more in coming months, creating a comprehensive dragnet that will include all the approaches into the District.

#4 In some American schools, RFID chips are now being used to monitor the attendance and movements of children while they are at school. The following is how one article recently described a program that has just been instituted at a preschool in California….

Upon arriving in the morning, according to the Associated Press, each student at the CCC-George Miller preschool will don a jersey with a stitched in RFID chip. As the kids go about the business of learning, sensors in the school will record their movements, collecting attendance for both classes and meals. Officials from the school have claimed they’re only recording information they’re required to provide while receiving federal funds for their Head start program.
#5 Increasingly, incidents of misbehavior at many U.S. schools are being treated as very serious crimes. For example, when a little girl kissed a little boy at one Florida elementary school recently, it was considered to be a “possible sex crime” and the police were called out.

#6 But what happened to one very young student in Stockton, California earlier this year was even worse….

Earlier this year, a Stockton student was handcuffed with zip ties on his hands and feet, forced to go to the hospital for a psychiatric evaluation and was charged with battery on a police officer. That student was 5 years old.

#7 In the United States today, police are trained to respond to even the smallest crimes with extreme physical force. For example, one grandfather in Arizona was recently filmed laying unconscious in a pool of his own blood after police rammed his head into the flood inside a Wal-Mart on Black Friday night. It was thought that he was shoplifting, but it turns out that he says that he was just trying to tuck a video game away so other crazed shoppers would not grab it out of his hands.
#8 Did you know that the government actually sets up fake cell phone towers that can intercept your cell phone calls? The following is how a recent Wired article described these “stingrays”….

You make a call on your cellphone thinking the only thing standing between you and the recipient of your call is your carrier’s cellphone tower. In fact, that tower your phone is connecting to just might be a booby-trap set up by law enforcement to ensnare your phone signals and maybe even the content of your calls.

So-called stingrays are one of the new high-tech tools that authorities are using to track and identify you. The devices, about the size of a suitcase, spoof a legitimate cellphone tower in order to trick nearby cellphones and other wireless communication devices into connecting to the tower, as they would to a real cellphone tower.

The government maintains that the stingrays don’t violate Fourth Amendment rights, since Americans don’t have a legitimate expectation of privacy for data sent from their mobile phones and other wireless devices to a cell tower.

#9 U.S. border agents are allowed by law to search any laptop being brought into the United States without even needing any reason to do so.

#10 In the United States of America, everyone is a “potential terrorist”. According to FBI Director Robert Mueller, “homegrown terrorists” represent as big a threat to American national security as al-Qaeda does.

#11 Most Americans are not that concerned about the Patriot Act, but that might change if they understood that the federal government has a “secret interpretation” of what the Patriot Act really means. U.S. Senator Ron Wyden says that the U.S. government interprets the Patriot Act much more “broadly” than the general public does….

“We’re getting to a gap between what the public thinks the law says and what the American government secretly thinks the law says.”

#12 The FBI is now admittedly recording Internet talk radio programs all over the United States. The following comes from a recent article by Mark Weaver of….

If you call a radio talk show and get on the air, you might be recorded by the FBI.

The FBI has awarded a $524,927 contract to a Virginia company to record as much radio news and talk programming as it can find on the Internet.
The FBI says it is not playing big brother by policing the airwaves, but rather seeking access to what airs as potential evidence.

#13 The federal government has decided that what you and I share with one another on Facebook and on Twitter could be a threat to national security. According to a recent Associated Press article, the Department of Homeland Security will soon be “gleaning information from sites such as Twitter and Facebook for law enforcement purposes”.

#14 What you say on your cell phone is never private. The truth is that that the FBI can demand to see your cell phone data whenever it wants. In addition, according to CNET News the FBI can remotely activate the microphone on your cell phone and listen to whatever you are saying….

The FBI appears to have begun using a novel form of electronic surveillance in criminal investigations: remotely activating a mobile phone’s microphone and using it to eavesdrop on nearby conversations.

The technique is called a “roving bug,” and was approved by top U.S. Department of Justice officials for use against members of a New York organized crime family who were wary of conventional surveillance techniques such as tailing a suspect or wiretapping him.

#15 In some areas of the country, law enforcement authorities are pulling data out of cell phones for no reason whatsoever. According to the ACLU, state police in Michigan are now using “extraction devices” to download data from the cell phones of motorists that they pull over. This is taking place even if the motorists that are pulled over are not accused of doing anything wrong.
The following is how a recent article on CNET News described the capabilities of these “extraction devices”….

The devices, sold by a company called Cellebrite, can download text messages, photos, video, and even GPS data from most brands of cell phones. The handheld machines have various interfaces to work with different models and can even bypass security passwords and access some information.

#16 The federal government has become so paranoid that they have been putting GPS tracking devices on the vehicles of thousands of people that have not even been charged with committing any crimes. The following is a short excerpt from a recent Wired magazine article about this issue….

The 25-year-old resident of San Jose, California, says he found the first one about three weeks ago on his Volvo SUV while visiting his mother in Modesto, about 80 miles northeast of San Jose. After contacting Wired and allowing a photographer to snap pictures of the device, it was swapped out and replaced with a second tracking device. A witness also reported seeing a strange man looking beneath the vehicle of the young man’s girlfriend while her car was parked at work, suggesting that a tracking device may have been retrieved from her car.

Then things got really weird when police showed up during a Wired interview with the man.

The young man, who asked to be identified only as Greg, is one among an increasing number of U.S. citizens who are finding themselves tracked with the high-tech devices.

The Justice Department has said that law enforcement agents employ GPS as a crime-fighting tool with “great frequency, "and GPS retailers have told Wired that they’ve sold thousands of the devices to the feds.

#17 New high-tech street lights that are being funded by the federal government and that are being installed all over the nation can also be used as surveillance cameras, can be used by the DHS to make “security announcements” and can even be used to record personal conversations.
Federally-funded high-tech street lights now being installed in American cities are not only set to aid the DHS in making “security announcements” and acting as talking surveillance cameras, they are also capable of “recording conversations,” bringing the potential privacy threat posed by ‘Intellistreets’ to a whole new level.

#18 If you choose to protest in the streets of America today, there is a good chance that you will be brutalized. All over the United States law enforcement authorities have been spraying pepper spray directly into the faces of unarmed protesters in recent weeks.

#19 In many areas of the United States today, you will be arrested if you do not produce proper identification for the police. In the old days, “your papers please” was a phrase that was used to use to mock the tyranny of Nazi Germany. But now all of us are being required to be able to produce “our papers” for law enforcement authorities at any time. For example, a 21-year-old college student named Samantha Zucker was recently arrested and put in a New York City jail for 36 hours just because she could not produce any identification for police.

#20 According to blogger Alexander Higgins, students in kindergarten and the 1st grade in the state of New Jersey are now required by law to participate “in monthly anti-terrorism drills”. The following is an excerpt from a letter that he recently received from the school where his child attends….
Each month a school must conduct one fire drill and one security drill which may be a lockdown, bomb threat, evacuation, active shooter, or shelter-in place drill. All schools are now required by law to implement this procedure.

So who in the world ever decided that it would be a good idea for 1st grade students to endure “lockdown” and “active shooter” drills?

 #21 With all of the other problems that we are having all over the nation, you would think that authorities would not be too concerned about little kids that are trying to sell cups of lemonade. But sadly, over the past year police have been sent in to shut down lemonade stands run by children all over the United States.

#22 The federal government has decided to invest a significant amount of time, money and energy raiding organic farms. The following example comes from Natural News….

It is the latest case of extreme government food tyranny, and one that is sure to have you reeling in anger and disgust. Health department officials recently conducted a raid of Quail Hollow Farm, an organic community supported agriculture (CSA) farm in southern Nevada, during its special “farm to fork” picnic dinner put on for guests — and the agent who arrived on the scene ordered that all the fresh, local produce and pasture-based meat that was intended for the meal be destroyed with bleach.

#23 It is an absolute disgrace that all of us (including grandmothers and young children) must either go through body scanners that reveal the intimate details of our naked bodies or endure “enhanced pat-downs” during which our genitals will be touched before we are allowed to get on an airplane.

It is also an absolute disgrace that the American people are putting up with this.

#24 Invasive TSA security techniques are not just for airports anymore. Now, TSA “VIPR teams” are actively conducting random inspections at bus stations and on interstate highways all over the United States. For example, the following comes from a local news report down in Tennessee….

You’re probably used to seeing TSA’s signature blue uniforms at the airport, but now agents are hitting the interstates to fight terrorism with Visible Intermodal Prevention and Response (VIPR).

“Where is a terrorist more apt to be found? Not these days on an airplane more likely on the interstate,” said Tennessee Department of Safety & Homeland Security Commissioner Bill Gibbons.

Tuesday Tennessee was first to deploy VIPR simultaneously at five weigh stations and two bus stations across the state.

TSA “VIPR teams” now conduct approximately 8,000 “unannounced security screenings” a year at subway stations, bus terminals, ports and highway rest stops.

#25 More than a million hotel television sets all over America are now broadcasting propaganda messages from the Department of Homeland Security promoting the “See Something, Say Something” campaign. In essence, the federal government wants all of us to become “informants” and to start spying on one another constantly. The following comes from an article posted by USA Today….

Starting today, the welcome screens on 1.2 million hotel television sets in Marriott, Hilton, Sheraton, Holiday Inn and other hotels in the USA will show a short public service announcement from DHS. The 15-second spot encourages viewers to be vigilant and call law enforcement if they witness something suspicious during their travels.

#26 Certain “types” of American citizens are being labeled as potential threats in official U.S. government documents. An unclassified Department of Homeland Security report published a couple years ago entitled “Right-wing Extremism: Current Economic and Political Climate Fueling Resurgence in Radicalization and Recruitment” claims that a belief in Bible prophecy “could motivate extremist individuals and groups to stockpile food, ammunition and weapons.” The report goes on to state that such people are potentially dangerous.

#27 Back on February 20, 2009, the State of Missouri issued a report entitled “MIAC Strategic Report: The Modern Militia Movement“. That report warned that the following types of people may be potential terrorists….
*anti-abortion activists

*those that are against illegal immigration

*those that consider “the New World Order” to be a threat

*those that have a negative view of the United Nations

#28 As I have written about previously, a very disturbing document that Oath Keepers has obtained shows that the FBI is now instructing store owners to report many new forms of “suspicious activity” to them. According to the document, “suspicious activity” now includes the following….

*paying with cash

*missing a hand or fingers

*”strange odors”

*making “extreme religious statements”

*”radical theology”

*purchasing weatherproofed ammunition or match containers

*purchasing meals ready to eat

*purchasing night vision devices, night flashlights or gas masks

Do any of those “signs of suspicious activity” apply to you?
#29 Soon you may get labeled as a “potential terrorist” if you are just feeling a little nervous. A new “pre-crime” technology system that is currently being tested by the U.S. Department of Homeland Security will soon be in use all over the nation. It is called “Future Attribute Screening Technology” (FAST), and it is very frightening. The following description of this new program comes from an article in the London Telegraph….

Using cameras and sensors the “pre-crime” system measures and tracks changes in a person’s body movements, the pitch of their voice and the rhythm of their speech.

It also monitors breathing patterns, eye movements, blink rate and alterations in body heat, which are used to assess an individual’s likelihood to commit a crime.

The Future Attribute Screening Technology (FAST) program is already being tested on a group of government employees who volunteered to act as guinea pigs.

#30 The truth is that nobody puts more people into prison than America does. The United States has the highest incarceration rate in the world and the largest total prison population on the entire globe.

To read about some of the crazy things that the control freaks running things have planned for the future, just check out this article by Natural News: “10 outlandish things the ‘scientific’ controllers have in mind for you in the near future“.

Once again, despite all of this outrageous “security”, it is inevitable that a lot of really bad things are going to happen in the United States in the years ahead.

When there are incidents of violence, it is also inevitable that there will be calls for even more “Big Brother” security measures.

We are going to be caught in a never ending spiral of tyranny where the “solution” is always even tighter security.

Eventually, we will have lost all of our liberties and freedoms, and we will probably be even less safe than we are today.

Do not be deceived. We could put a soldier on every corner, a video camera in every room of every home and an RFID chip in every citizen but that would not make us “safe”.

Every single lawmaker that is backing these laws which strip our liberties and freedoms away deserves to be voted out of office.

If you love the United States of America, please stand up and say something while you still can.

Please use this article and other articles like it as tools. Share them with your friends and your family. If we can get enough people to wake up, perhaps there is still enough time to turn the direction of this country around.

Will the final chapters of the history of the United States of America be mentioned in the same breath as communist China, the USSR and Nazi Germany, or will the final chapters of the history of the United States of America be the greatest chapters of all?

The choice, America, is up to you.
